A racing champion
Born in the arid south of Morocco, D'jamal, a young white dromedary with a gift for racing, draws the attention of a camel driver who decides to make him a champion.
Survival strategies
In the African savannah, life is a succession of challenges that must be overcome if one wants to see the next day. Growing up, finding food, moving around, breeding, all these vital needs require coming up with survival strategies that can be perilous.
Through the fate of various animals, the whole theatre of life is revealed with its constant struggles punctuated by brief moments of respite.
A miniature odyssey
On a lemon tree, a caterpillar is born. It is supposed to grow there until morphing into a butterfly, but a storm destroys this preset scheme and makes it fall.
The caterpillar has only about three days to return to its tree, the only place to achieve its mutation.
Through this journey of survival, we discover the incredible richness of microworlds, where one small step for man is a lifetime expedition for a tiny insect.
A primal emotion
This is the story of the rehabilitation of an African national park.
After the first step of successfully acclimating herbivores, it is time to reintroduce lions. But with them comes predation, and suddenly, fear overtakes the park.
This epic wildlife film illustrates a universal feeling: terror.
The turbulent life of a swarm
On the gentle slopes of a mountain, between the green ferns, sits a hive inhabited by hundreds of little black bees.
Through the four seasons, this film follows the life of a swarm from the inside. We witness the awakening in the spring, the rearing of new queens, the nuptial flight of the virgin queens and the subsequent ban of bumblebees, the massacre of the males, the pollination, and then, little by little, with the coming of winter, the return to the great sleep.
This film is an epic story set in a tiny wooden box.
An eventful courtship
An imposing adult male is determined to mate with a young female. One might think it is a trivial episode in the animal kingdom. But when it takes place in one of the most hostile archipelagos in the world, and when the animals involved are the ferocious Komodo dragons, we know the courtship promises to be eventful.
Baby dragons perched 10 meters high in trees; an old one who wants more offspring; a young male ready to mate but who must deal with a rival bent on killing him; a recalcitrant female; macaques, deer, and buffalo living near their predators: these are the characters in this saga.
Dramatic scenes, imposing landscapes, and beautiful photography combine to make this a spectacular film.
Sharing the Serengeti
Rugari, a cattle herder, his wife Agnes, and their children Nyange and Machaba live in Robanda, one of thirty-eight small villages on the edge of Serengeti National Park. On the other side of the park border, two lionesses guide their cubs through a life of discovery and hardship. No fences separate the two families.
The lion family enjoys a plentiful life when the great herd migrations pass through. But when the dry season arrives, and they face starvation, they get desperate, and cows disappear. The danger from lions becomes accurate for Rugari and his family.
Regardless, his daughter Nyange is drawn to them. Rugari is faced with a terrible decision. Livestock are his family’s only source of income, and he could protect his cattle by poisoning the lions. However, if he’s caught, he will be sent to jail. Nyange insists there must be another way.
A singular mother
The film tells the life of a young female giraffe from the birth of her first baby to the delivery, 20 months later, of a second one.
It is an opportunity to discover the everyday life of a giraffe in all its aspects between the two births: the moves, feeding, schedule, social organization, reproduction, vulnerability to predators, connection to the offspring, coexistence with other species, connection to the environment.
Reminiscing 60 years of adventures
This elephant is almost 60-year old, he is huge but weary. Like all the ancients, he now lives on his own accompanied by his many memories.
So many things has happened in his very long life. There were the joyful youth years, the struggle to hold his rank within the group before quitting it, the never ending migration because of the dry season, the joy of bathing to shrug off the tyranny of this big body which need feeding again and again.
This film is his story and his memories.
All is not lost
Some places on the planet still haven’t been spoiled by human activity.
Renowned for their natural beauty, they represent a heritage worth looking after for future generations.
A sophisticated world
The last two decades of research have revealed extraordinary new insights into the unexpectedly sophisticated insect world.
Combined with modern cinematic technology and new techniques like electron microscopy and confocal microscopy, this landmark series captures insect behavior in previously impossible ways.
Threatened by human activity
Sumatra's priceless biodiversity is today threatened by human activity. Elephants, tigers, rhinos, and orangutans, all endemic to the island, are facing extinction.
How to share the land between humans and animals? Can they both be protected? Is there a chance to save these last big representatives of wildlife?
We follow a passionate naturalist, accompanied by elite squads and committed activists, to meet those who dedicate their lives to the animal cause in what remains one of the last natural paradises on earth.
Remarkable behaviors and survival strategies
Spanning from the Arctic's icy waters to Patagonia's vibrant ecosystems, this series delves into the enigmatic world of marine wildlife, unveiling unprecedented behaviors and survival strategies.
Each episode reveals how these creatures adapt to their ever-changing environments and the challenges posed by predators and prey.
A successful coexistence between man and animal
The Shuklaphanta Reserve is the first national park created in Nepal in 1973. This area is exceptional on many accounts, including its diverse landscapes and hundreds of animal species - 22 of which are critically endangered. It may look like a mix of Europe and Africa, yet we are indeed in the heart of Asia.
The reserve is a small paradise. Despite human pressure, it has managed to strive to offer wildlife a haven. However, the fragile cohabitation is a daily struggle for associations and park rangers who must raise awareness and educate the people about the advantages of co-existing with Nature.
If the nearby inhabitants’ quality of life improves, the need to plunder the forest will diminish, and the kingdom of Shuklaphanta can look forward to a bright future.
The dry season ordeal
The Pantanal, in Brazil, is the world's largest swampland; every year, without fail, it inflicts a frightful ordeal on its inhabitants. Indeed, the dry season shrinks it to drastic proportions, sending the local wildlife into a desperate race against the clock.
The animals must reach one of the few remaining humid areas, knowing there won't be enough room for everyone. For the numerous caimans, this comes down to a struggle for life.
This film follows one of them, a young male. Will he be able to find space in a safe zone and stay there until the rains come back, synonymous with survival and mating?
The young and the restless
This film tells the daily life of a baby baboon and its clan.
There are the boisterous teenagers, other moms with their babies and, most impressive of all, the Leader. And then they are those who covet its place accounting for why young males are constantly fighting to train.
Interactions within the clan are rich and incredibly complex. But, above all, the group is highly organized and united to address the challenges of everyday life: guarding against the leopards, finding food...
There's a buffalo in every cow
With their clipped horns and tagged ears, cows are the ultimate portrayal of animal domestication. Yet, a closer look at their behavior reveals features reminiscent of their wild counterparts.
Shot over a year like a blue-chip documentary in the savannah, this surprising film shows us, day after day and season after season, that, in the end, taming has not erased the essence of the species.
Everything you always wanted to know about the savannah
Nowadays, images of African wildlife are familiar, yet audiences seem to never tire of them as they are always a source of wonder and bewilderment. Although one might think to have seen everything, there is still more to learn and discover.
This series covers some of the most filmed animals, yet its innovative and comprehensive approach to African fauna has attracted the most prestigious broadcasters worldwide.
Some fare better than others
In nature, there are the herbivores to whom nothing smiles right away (barely born already eaten) and others who fare better like THE LUCKY ZEBRA. How else to call this little male born in the dry season who, throughout his life, will enjoy a lucky star.
Confronted with drought, predators, competing males, he always manages to get by. Over the years, he has led without fail and damage the small harem he has patiently built.
But in the end, is it just luck or is this zebra just more cautious, skillful and smart than the others?
Adapting to climate change
After having almost disappeared, the otter has begun to reclaim rivers thanks to the ban on trapping, river clean-up measures, and the protection of its natural habitat.
But a new tragedy threatens its survival: global warming.
United to survive
In the garden of a country house, a colony of Rufibarbis ants wakes up after the winter.
In the six months from spring to autumn, it faces the age-old challenge of survival.
The hard workers, the dedicated soldiers, and the precious queen join forces to meet the demands of reproduction and to fight the dangers of theft, slavery, or flooding.
An environment built by winds, birds and waves
The Caribbean archipelago is a string of islands sheltering a bountiful nature.
With unwavering resilience, life took hold in these isolated environments transported by blowing winds, migrating birds, or washed ashore. Today, these islands offer one of the richest biodiversity in the world.
This film explores this mesmerizing yet fragile wild Caribbean and its exceptional ecosystems.
The fabulous spectacle of nature
This film is an exceptional journey into the rugged Scottish landscapes and rich fauna.
Laurent Cocherel is a naturalist photographer with a 25-year passion for this country. He takes us to secret places to witness the fabulous spectacle of nature through the seasons: hiding for otters and tetra-lyres; exploring seabird colonies; diving with seals, sharks, and dolphins; approaching deer, eagles, and ospreys…
No less than four years were necessary to capture rarely filmed scenes of animal life.
Unusual animals
In the West of Iran, where the land has been formed by the Zagros fold and thrust belt, is the Alamto desert.
The combination of natural conditions allowed the region to host a diversity of rare reptiles, including one of the most mysterious animals in the wildlife kingdom: the horned viper.
For the first time ever, this riveting film shows a wonderland showcasing exotic species trying to survive in a land of extremes.
A sense of belonging
No matter how big, or small, every member of the animal kingdom has a family.
Covering all continents on the planet and featuring animal species from the largest land mammals to the tiniest sea creatures, this series answers questions like: What are the ties that bind? What creates a dynasty? What makes these groups of animals amazing?
Often incredible, at times breathtaking, discover what it means to be part of amazing animal families.
Why are primatologists mostly women?
Numerous scientists around the world dedicate their lives to the study and protection of primates. They have been inspired by Dian Fossey, Jane Goodall or Biruté Galdikas. But why are they mostly women?
This film introduces us to 9 remarkable primatologists, from the jungles of Borneo and Congo to the lush forests of Madagascar.
They explain the sacrifices they’ve made to do their work, the challenges of field research, but also the incredible bonds they have developped with the objects of their studies.
To live and survive in the wild
Animals had to develop behaviours and techniques in order to address vital requirements such as nutrition, reproduction, raising the young, protection and, more generally, adaptation to a sometimes hostile environment.
ANIMAL STRATEGIES shows how primates, antelopes, small animals, big predators and even some birds live, cope, survive and interact in the wild theatre that is their world.
BABY STEPS [3x52’]
A world of firsts
A one-year immersion with three exceptional baby animals and their breeders, from their births to their first steps and their first life-changing experiences.
This mini-series follows a turquoise-eyed lemur upon which the survival of its species depends, a foal for whom the stage will become a real playground, and a puppy destined to become a sheepdog.
BAT & MAN 52’
A mammal that causes leaps in science
Bats were already on earth during the dinosaurs’ era, 60 million years ago, and this incredible species has actually not evolved since.
Today, scientific studies of bats have revealed astonishing discoveries in the fields of bionics, disease prevention and containment which can crossover to the human world.
Strange and spectacular behaviors
More or less direct descendants of the dinosaurs, birds are divided in about 20 families which pundits consider nonetheless rather homogeneous. Yet, what a disparity of evolution between the ostrich and the tiny quelea.
From an ecological standpoint birds have significantly differentiated from one another. With over 2,500 species resident or migrating, Africa is the best place to observe the often strange and spectacular behaviors of birds.
The wildlife world records
Every day, amazing feats are taking place in the savannah.
Everyone knows about the obvious ones: the elephant is the biggest mammal, the ostrich the biggest bird, the cheetah the speediest animal. But can you answer questions like: who’s strongest than a frog? Who has the biggest tusks? How large can a spider’s web be?
This amusing and entertaining film shed a different light on the African wildlife.
Unusual pets
This series is about children who have grown up in close contact with nature. Many of them have developed a special relationship with supposedly savage animals, mainly thanks to their parents who work directly with wildlife.
From Brazil to Kenya and Australia, each episode tells stories of youngsters and their attachment to one or more species like a horse, an elephant or even a crocodile.
Truce in the wildlife
Christmas balls, tinsels in the trees and some improbable snow on the ground. This is the unexpected setting for this wildlife film shot in southern Africa during the Christmas period.
This is December 25, and everyone has a birth to celebrate. The savannah is full of animals about to give life or who have just done so. Everywhere, it is all about family reunions, banquets and festive menus. Frogs, wild dogs, hyenas, lions, cheetahs and elephants share the opulence while a multitude of newborn impalas make their first steps under the stare of a leopard no one really knows if he’s ready to respect the Christmas' truce.
This original and charming documentary is a unique wildlife film with the Christmas spirit.
Adapt or disappear
The Arctic fox, the reindeer, the Nile crocodile, the tortoise, the hedgehog, the lemur, the forest elephant, the lion, the otter, and the camel have survived for millions of years. Their bodies, shape, color, fur, or scales have adapted to the fluctuating conditions on our planet.
But how long can our animal friends keep up as global warming accelerates the pace of change?
The country that hosts 5% of known species on earth
Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful sanctuary for biodiversity in the world and its richest. Indeed, this small country hosts 5% of all known species on earth, i.e. 1 out of 20.
To grasp what it entails, one should explore its forests, climb its peaks and walk its shores. Only then can you understand the absolute necessity to preserve our natural world.
Close encounters on the wild side
Bernie is a television reporter who has covered wars, infiltrated jails and rubbed shoulders with men and women studying the deadliest predators. Adrenaline is his fuel yet he has never felt so vulnerable than when facing a Nile crocodile. It is a formidable killing machine living in Botswana and responsible for over 2,000 deaths every year.
Vince Shacks is a scientist who doesn’t hesitate to risk his life to observe these dangerous predators up close by swimming next to them in the Okavango river.
Bernie will be diving with him along side 5 meters long specimens in an effort to better understand their behavior. An indispensable task in order to make man and crocodile coexist.
The salmon run and those awaiting them
In July, in Alaska, millions of salmon run up the rivers. Many are anxiously waiting for them: grizzlies, sea lions, orcas, eagles, sharks... and young divers/photographers.
Paul and Thomas, two marine biologists, are here to live their passion for open spaces and memorable encounters with animals as impressive as extraordinary.
Among all these great predators, there is one in particular they have been on the lookout: the salmon shark.
The next-door fauna
From Belarus to France, from the imposing bison to the fragile pheasant, this collection presents the different facets of European wildlife.
Even in this part of the world, danger looms everywhere. From wolves in the deep forest to tractors in the fields, the struggle for life is a daily affair.
We thought they were saved
What is the connection between the Californian condor, the Arabian oryx, the African wild dog, the Galapagos marine turtle, the Chinese tiger, and the Polar bear?
The answer is the unprecedented risk of seeing these species vanish once and for all from the face of the Earth after they were once thought to be saved in the past decades.
In this series, we discover the fate of 12 iconic animals facing new dangers and watch the scientific adventures undertaken to save them. Again.
The fauna caught between agriculture and nature
In a typical field of the European countryside, wildlife is much more abundant and diverse than one can imagine, and it serves as the backdrop for unexpected survival stories.
While the circle of life is at stake for the pheasant, harvest season is coming.
How do the animals such as foxes, rabbits, and hedgehogs survive year after year in an environment caught between agriculture and nature?
FISH LIFE [12x26’]
Small is beautiful
The ocean has its stars - dolphins, sharks, Manta rays, whales - and then there are the others, the humble and the discreet, which can only get the limelight thanks to a Disney movie.
Yet, from the clown fish to the octopus, the lionfish to the cleaner fish, without of course omitting the coral, all these creatures are the essential characters of the riveting marine life theater.
With its playful narration and exceptional HD footage, FISH LIFE brings a new vision of this underwater universe. You will discover the secrets of its inhabitants through a profusion of colors, shapes and behaviors.
The school of wildlife
For the emblematic African wildlife, the long road to adulthood is paved with multiple obstacles. But the dangers vary considerably from one species to another as well as the solutions they have to find to bring the most offsprings to maturity.
Blessed with more or less thoughtful parents and among more or less united groups, each youngster makes his own apprenticeship until it's time to lead its own life.
GROWING UP IN THE SAVANNAH is a tale full of humor and emotions on the school of life in the African wildlife.
The Lord of the mountains
The Ibex is an animal symbolic of the Alps.
Through some surprising images covering several seasons, this film teaches us many unknown things about this Lord of the mountains.
It also questions our ability to share the environment with the wild fauna and the respect it is due.
An endearing sea bird
With its exotic appearance and demeanor, sometimes affectionate, other times rowdy but often considered "comical", the puffin is a particularly endearing seabird.
A national emblem and a tourist attraction, its fate is nevertheless a matter of concern to Icelanders as couples have stopped breeding for a decade now.
Faced with this situation, a handful of enthusiasts mobilized to save the puffin.
The stars and the supporting cast of the animal kingdom
At first glance, the African wildlife seems all too familiar. The stars, such as the elephant or the lion, have been extensively covered as well as the supporting cast, from the gazelles to the birds. But even if their lifestyles have been overexposed, the animals of the savannah remain a constant object of fascination and some questions have been left unanswered.
Where do they come from and what was their evolution over the ages?
How and why did they choose their environment?
What’s their real diet?
Do they have an unexpected social organization?
What if their behavior was not so obvious and predictable?
Based on the latest research and illustrated with spectacular footage, this series revolves around 3 themes: understand, learn and surprise.
IN THE SKIN OF [3x52’]
In animals' shoes
This series embarks, in an unprecedented way, in the skin of the animals that share our existence.
In each episode, we see the world as they perceive it, like the encounters, animals, or humans that punctuate their days.
Thanks to onboard cameras, we become privileged witnesses of the hectic life of animals.
Less stupid than they appear
This series offers a surprising discovery of farm animals and the enthusiasts who nurture and protect them.
It invites us to change the way we look at species that are less stupid than they appear.
The jungle album
Borneo is an island shared by Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia, but, most importantly, part of it is a wildlife sanctuary. Jorge Camilo Valenzuela, a National Geographic animal photographer, explores it to capture the various endemic species in all their splendor.
We discover what it takes to survive for months in such an environment to get the perfect shots of what nature has to offer in all its diversity and richness, raising our awareness of the need to preserve this unique natural heritage.
The struggle of the red deer
Red deer are among the most powerful and majestic animals living deep in the European forests.
These popular heroes of classic fairy tales can also be violent beasts engaged in a constant struggle to achieve one goal: the right to have a descendant.
Shot in one of the last primary forests of Europe, this visually striking film follows a fawn in its early years whose aim is to reach maturity and rank among the kings of the wild.
A love story
In 1979, Laurie Marker’s passion for cheetahs led her to leave her family, friends, and home (the USA) for Namibia to save the species.
This splendid feline is a hunting machine, the fastest of all land predators, but also a desired trophy for poachers. To protect them she came up with an unusual solution: reintroduce another endangered species, the Anatolian shepherd, the only dog capable of thwarting cheetahs away.
Today, Laurie is regarded as the leading world expert on this animal.
To live and die free
In the Conkuati lagoon in Congo, an association has undertaken a challenging endeavor: to enable chimpanzees, who have crossed paths with man, to live and die freely by returning to their natural habitat.
How can these animals be taught to feed, live together, and defend themselves in the wild?
This film tells us a touching story where the fate of chimpanzees and men intertwines.
Lessons from a despised animal
Hyenas have been given an unfairly negative reputation in folklore and popular media because of their ungraceful, even grotesque physical features.
Hyenas are truly a curiosity of nature. They are intelligent creatures that follow a sophisticated and ruthless social system. Depending on its rank, each individual finds himself in a position of power or obedience for his whole life. Hunted down by farmers, hyenas are nonetheless crucial in clearing up the savannah of its carcasses which are carriers of lethal bacteria. Their immune system is unparalleled and a bonanza for medical research.
This film is a tribute to this captivating animal.
Man's barriers on animals' routes
Man constantly modifies its environment. He expands on the planet into the most wild and remote places where he erects artificial barriers at the crossroads of migration routes of species in danger of extinction.
These animals must survive at any cost to ensure the future of their species, all their strength is needed to find a passage across man’s path.
Very unusual guides
Natural parks are a blend of animals, plants, and minerals.
This series is a breath of fresh air, spiced up with unusual interventions. The comical little insects of the "Minuscule" animated saga serve as mischievous guides, inlaid here and there in the images of the "real" wildlife. These insects in CGI tell us, in an offbeat way but with humor and poetry, about the environment in which we live via the history, geology, fauna, and flora of the most beautiful and protected places in the world.
An original dive into the heart of remarkable territories blessed with an exceptional natural heritage, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small.
NORIN'S ARK [5x52’]
The wildlife veterinarian
Norin Chai, a brilliant veterinarian, has been working for more than 20 years to protect wildlife all over the world.
In each episode, he comes to the rescue of an endangered animal in a critical situation: in Central America, an infectious disease is spreading through a population of sloths, in Indonesia orangutans are suffering from an unexplained illness…
This series will move and inspire you by revealing the beauty of the living world.
The cycle of life
In the African savannah, an elephant dies.
Little by little, thousands of animal guests converge to feast on the fortuitous carcass which also becomes a cradle for other species. The splendid images make us forget death and show the wonders of an ecosystem in action. And, by turning back the clock, we see the dead giant coming back to life before our eyes.
This film is a striking spectacle, one of natural recycling where the death of one gives life to others.
The Pelagos sanctuary in the Mediterranean
In spite of their imposing size, whales are among those mammals that are still little known and that arouse fascination and wonder.
This film focuses on the whales of the Pelagos sanctuary in the Mediterranean, a protected area where men and women are working to better understand and defend biodiversity and an increasingly fragile marine life.
The most fascinating creatures live underground
Under the rocks of the savannah lies a world of eternal darkness, a secret place with unending mazes, swarming with thousands of crawling animals.
Like, for instance, the naked mole rat. It is the only mammal who organizes its life around a queen, like ants or termites.
From its hairless, wrinkled skin and underdeveloped eyes to its ghastly dentition, the naked mole rat is in a category of its own. Yet these characteristics also allows the mammal to survive in its environment, avoiding the many dangers present above its head in the African grasslands.
The secrets of a successful cohabitation
In Slovenia, on the edge of the last primary forests in Europe, man and bear coexist peacefully. This small country has become a model in this respect. The animal has even inspired rich and colorful folklore.
How did the Slovenians manage to live in harmony with the plantigrade? Breeders, researchers, and even artists show us the way in a country where nature and traditions are still very much intertwined.
Over the seasons, this film crosses the paths of bears and humans in a magnificent and incredibly well-preserved ecosystem.
Survive in an environment dominated by giants
They have one thing in common: you can’t see them when the grass is high. Some are rodents, others carnivores, reptiles or monkeys. One way or another, they suffer from their small size since they have to get by in an environment dominated by giants. They have learned to survive by exploiting whatever resources their tiny habitat is providing for them.
Turtles, chameleons, mongooses, squirrels and their likes, all of them had to adapt smartly in order to survive standing less than 30cm from the ground.
We thought we had seen it all
A baboon hunting a gazelle. Crocodiles eating another crocodile. A carnivorous giraffe. Zebras without stripes. Turtles jumping on buffalos. These are exceptional scenes captured thanks to hundreds of hours spent filming in the savannah.
Animals with unusual characteristics. Unheard of behaviors. Unique or spectacular situations. This original, light-hearted, and yet well documented film has heaps of surprises.
Once upon a time, in the savannah…
Newly born Swala Pala is barely able to stand up on its slight legs and with its long eyelashes and upright ears the baby gazelle is strikingly reminiscent of little Bambi, the famous Disney animal hero.
Set in Africa, where survival of the fittest is the law of the land, Swala Pala will have to learn how to come through. From its very first step in the savannah to reigning over its own harem, we follow the gripping adventures of this African Bambi, its family, companions… even sworn enemies.
The actors of the animals' well-being
This film is about the daily activities of the 120 employees of the zoo: healers, vets, trainers, cooks...
They all work together to ensure the animals' well-being.
A family of 74 quite different species
Among mammals, antelopes epitomize the most dramatic form of evolution.
They account for 74 species in Africa. The smallest weights 1.5 kilos and is 0.2 meter high against 600 kilos and 1.8 meter for the biggest. They are all ruminants with hooves and horns but differ greatly in terms of diet, social organization and strategies against predators.
The formidable expansion of this animal family lies in its ability to choose successfully its own niche, even under the most extreme conditions.
The survivors
Bison are the largest animals of Europe, the most ancient and the wildest. The only ones remaining live in the last primary forest on the continent.
Over several seasons, this spectacular film follows a herd whose matriarch has died and whose leadership has been taking over by a young female. She is facing a huge responsibility: to guide the animals through the forest to better pastures while fending off wolves’ attacks.
Will she succeed in this mission given her inexperience with the only help of her powerful genes and instinct?
The impact of human activities on animal life
Forced to escape his natural habitat because of our intensive agricultural model, the hedgehog is migrating toward urban green spaces in search of food.
This film is a road movie of a young female hedgehog whose abilities to adapt are regularly tested.
Through her adventures, we tackle larger subjects like human activities and their impact on the environment and our ecosystem.
Disasters in the chain affect Man
On Earth, all animal and plant species are closely associated.
Each living being is an essential link in the balance of ecosystems. But each year, dozens of species disappear due to human activities, and what causes disasters in the chain will ultimately affect Man.
What happens when a link in the chain goes missing? And what could the world of tomorrow look like if we don’t protect biodiversity better?
Meat is an unpredictable resource in the savanna
As soon as they appeared, about 60 million years ago, carnivores have seen their survival closely linked to that of the herbivores.
Ever since, it has been a never ending chase to adapt between the prey and its predator. The bottom line is that the life of one depends on the survival of the other. It is a fragile balance and the least specialized a predator, the most widespread its species.
However, since meat is an unpredictable resource in the savannah, no mammal carnivore - even vultures – can afford to exclusively depend on it.
Some reputations are overrated
What if the lion, a predator known for its fragility and short life expectancy, has been wrongly labeled the king of all animals?
Indeed, the hierarchy as we know it in the animal kingdom needs some revisiting. Special attention should be given to those species with incredible capacities to adapt, endless stamina and the ability to expand their natural habitat. Then emerge the true lords of the savannah, among them the herbivores, the birds and some predators.
This visually elegant film questions generally accepted ideas and disparage some overrated reputations bringing an original and innovating look on the African wildlife.
Has the zebra white or black stripes?
Is a rhino stronger than an elephant?
Why gnus march in line?
Which is the only feline living in society?
From the zebra’s stripes to the so-called silence of the giraffe, QUIZ OF THE SAVANNAH brings answers to questions frequently asked about African animals.
Specific points, sharp and often surprising info give this wildlife film a playful and enriching dimension.
The wonders of alien creatures
The sea is home to some strange creatures. Indeed, among the many marine species, there is one very unusual group: the crustaceans.
Between reality and fantasy, these animals remained a mystery to man for centuries. Are their ways of life as startling as their appearances?
Crustaceans can be found everywhere from the sea’s surface to thousands of meters deep. They come in all sorts of shapes and colors and sometimes look almost alien.
The wonders of the sea
Mollusks are characterized by an absence of skeleton and a total lack of appeal. They conjure up images of flabby, slimy, almost inert animals.
But mollusks have their own world: habitat, movement, food, reproduction... everything goes beyond the wildest imagination. They surprise us by the colors they use, the shapes they take from the most traditional to the most eccentric.
Mollusks deserve a second chance to alter a first impression since they are truly one of a kind.
Super powers
Sight. Smell. Taste. Touch. Hearing. How do animals use their five senses in the savannah?
As one might have guessed, it is impossible to generalize since each specie has developed the senses most appropriate to its specificities in order to survive, and quite often at the expense of others which withered.
Never before has the African wildlife been scrutinized under such an original angle and, of course, the outcome is full of surprises and oddities.
The power of togetherness
The yellow billed storks are an African species of, usually, solitary birds. However, once a year, towards the end of the rainy season, they congregate along the banks of the Luangwa, Zambia. They’ve chosen this place because it lies at the heart of a network of lagoons that are teeming with fish.
They are sharing this space with vultures, lions, giraffes, zebras, antelopes, an awesome group of hippos but also lazy marabous wandering under their nests to catch the fish falling through the holes.
Unfortunately, under the surface, there are also crocodiles on the prowl.
The distress of dry land animals
Once a year, while the waters of the Amazon are at their lowest, a deluge of unprecedented violence falls on the forest. Within a few months it will be drowned under almost 30 meters of water, with only the top of few trees poking out.
The forest animals’ survival is at stake. Some take refuge on treetops, others go in search of the last dry lands while more than a few are stranded by the rising water. As solid ground habitat narrows, that of fish or pink dolphins extends to infinity. All must learn to live in a sunken forest.
This film tells a mesmerizing and unforgettable story replete with competition, anguish, danger and courage.
Abilities honed and perfected over centuries to escape predators
Is there a more inoffensive creature than the rabbit? Being an easy prey for all manner of predators, it has developed a range of astonishing survival skills.
Sight, hearing, speed, language, reproduction, and cooperation are some of the abilities honed and perfected over centuries, in quite surprising ways, to adapt to the environment.
This film explores rabbits' superpowers, seen in various unusual situations and a wide range of countries.
The river and its wildlife
From a tiny mountain stream to the open estuary, the Loire river reveals many faces along its 1,000km course. Now better protected than ever, its banks are seeing the return of several species long disappeared, such as the beaver or the stork, but also newcomers like the catfish or the coypu.
During springtime, floods become essential to life as well as extremely destructive. Will the kingfishers and bee-eaters be able to lay eggs without seeing their burrows flooded? Will the shrews and beavers find new territories when the water level finally drops?
This film unveils one of the last wild rivers through the lives that populate its shores and waters.
The specificities of the non ruminants
The elephant, the rhino and the hippo are the biggest terrestrial mammals on earth.
They differ from one another and do not belong to the same family yet they share one trait: these vegetarian giants are non ruminants and have appeared before the ruminants. The latter have developed very specific ecosystems while the former have survived adopting a generalist behavior, i.e. using a large spectrum of habitats and vegetation.
That strategy happens to be the only sustainable one to cover their gigantic feeding needs.
A secret universe away from the madness of men
The Alps remain one of the last wild territories in Europe today.
Over thousands of years, the various animals here have developed the ability to thrive within an unfriendly yet magnificent environment. Here, the beauty of the fauna is only matched by the diversity of its species.
Following in the footsteps of three young animal photographers, this film invites us to discover a secret and silent universe where wilderness hides away from the madness of men.
The grizzly bears kingdom
Canada is a remarkable land where nature flourishes freely.
Located between the Rockies and the Pacific Ocean, British Columbia is the westernmost province of the country and encompasses mountains as well as a desert. It is also the living ground of exceptional biodiversity including big animals, among which the grizzly bear is undoubtedly the star.
British Columbia is vast and majestic and a jewel of wilderness to be preserved.
On the front lines of the war against an illegal trade
This series takes us to the front lines of the war against the multi-billion-dollar illegal wildlife trade, which is fast becoming a major contributor to the world’s biodiversity loss.
We wander into the world’s most ancient rainforests to witness the battles being fought by Malaysia's Wildlife Department.
These men and women are on the trail with the dangerous task of capturing, relocating, and protecting animals faced with extinction.
Teaching eagles to fly
How to teach the pyrargues eagles to fly when they have been bred in captivity and never used their wings?
This is Jacques Olivier's call. With his paraglider, he accompanies these majestic birds first flight towards freedom.
This film is infused with emotions and accompanied by striking images of the stunning summits of the Mont Blanc.
Leaving the pack
What happens to the wolves that leave the pack and how do they survive?
For months, we followed Jean-Michel Bertrand as he conducts a real investigation to understand why young wolves leave the territory where they were born and how these adventurers explore new horizons.
This journey is like a road movie through the most remote regions of the Alps.
Lives of passion
These 3 films feature unique women who dedicate their lives to the study and protection of wildlife in Africa.
These scientists spent a lifetime on the field to fulfill their passion for species such as hyenas in Kenya, cheetahs in Namibia, or chimpanzees in Congo.
They help us understand their fascination with these animals.
The howler monkeys are facing hunger and thirst
The Pantanal is a wild region in Brazil where the dry season alternates with the rainy one.
Zog is the elder of the howler monkeys and has been ruling his clan with equanimity in the haven of a generous forest. For obscure reasons that no one here can explain, the winds have stopped blowing and have not carried away "the rivers of the sky" which, until then, gave life to the parched forest. The rain shortfall turns upside down everything Zog always believed to be in the natural order of things. His people will have to face hunger and thirst for the very first time.
The buds have not blossomed. The water saved up in tree trunks has dried out and the swamp's king, the anaconda Olim, sneaks into the forest intent on capturing Zog who is weakened.
Remarkable VIPs and their celebrity lifestyles
In Scotland, the Norwegian Royal Guard regularly visits its Colonel, Sir Nils Olav. But Nils Olav is no run-of-the-mill senior officer, he's a penguin in Edinburgh Zoo.
At the Washington Zoo, Kandula, a brilliantly talented elephant, satisfies his hunger for hanging fruit by setting up a makeshift perch to climb on.
At the Beauval Zoo, handlers lavish special attention on baby koala Eora, feeding her eucalyptus sent over specially from England. A very finicky child indeed!
In each episode of this series, we discover highly colorful characters who amaze us with their extraordinary background.
The kings of the Seven Seas
Whales, seals, dugongs, narwhals, or dolphins are marine mammals, a large family of warm-blooded cousins that has conquered the world’s oceans.
They brave storms, chilly waters, isolation, and predators. They invented sophisticated hunting techniques in order to survive. And this family holds several records in the animal world, among which the largest animal on our planet or the deepest diving one.
Filmed over 5 years across the 7 seas by the most talented wildlife directors such as Luc Jacquet ("March of the Penguins"), this series reveals unsuspected behaviors through compelling stories for family audiences.
The secret life of European mammals
This series is the most comprehensive blue-chip collection on European fauna. The result is both visually striking and content rich.
Shot over the span of 4 seasons, we follow the lives and tribulations of various mammals like the acrobatic squirrel, the predating lynx, the feared wolf, the shy hedgehog, or the ferocious badger.
NEIGHBOURS IN THE WILD travels to all corners of the old continent to witness the birth, mating, hunting, and death of animals that might be close to us but still carry many misconceptions.