We thought they were saved

An episode from the series EXTINCTIONS / SAVED FROM EXTINCTION

Format: HD
Duration: 52’
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Available versions: French | English
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide


According to the laws of biology, the cheetah should already be declared extinct due to its extreme inbreeding rate. How did this animal escape this curse? By what miracle did it prosper in the savannahs of Southern Africa?

This episode explains it and reveals that it is not over. One day, it may be necessary to identify a reservoir of genetic diversity for the cheetah. It turns out that it may be found in a remote region where no one would expect to find the salvation of the fabulous African feline: the Iranian highlands.

This forgotten strain of cheetahs that have remained in Central Asia has been filmed for the first time: 60 animals cut off from the world in landscapes of breathtaking beauty.