Is it possible to be a farmer, a union leader and a businessman all in one?

Format: HD
Duration: 52’
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Available version: French
Rights: All Rights | Worldwide except France


For three weeks, French farmers demonstrated their anger at a system that burdens them with endless regulations and dwindling revenues.

Their powerful union is called FNSEA. Even shaken by its base and challenged by competitors, the organization remains at the center of the game. With the snap of a finger, its president ordered the suspension of the blockades following the government's announcement of financial aid.

Many discovered then the new face of the FNSEA, represented by its leader, Arnaud Rousseau, 50, a cereal farmer, but also the chairman of the Avril group, a giant in the agro-industry with sales of nine billion euros. Is it possible to be a farmer, a union leader and a businessman all in one?